Friday, July 25, 2008

Life with support system

My husbands friend wrote it in some forum. I liked it very much so thought of sharing.
'After seeing some TV programme on life with support system, I told my mother that if in future such situation arise where I have to live on support system then please dont allow the doctors to do that and remove all the support system.
My mother watched me carefully and listened to my sincere statement. She simply got up from chair and in one go switched off my mobile, PC, laptop, music system, TV, DVD player, iPOD. She also threw all my special stuff from fridge.
Oh God, I reallt died.'

So friends. This is the life now a days. We can not live without the gadgets around us. We have become slave of the technology rather than becoming masters.


Jil Jil Ramamani said...

Wow! Truly, that left me dumbfounded and wondering how dependent we are on technology! I found most of my preconceived notions against life support systems dissolving into nothing...true that.

rajeshwari said...

absolutely true... we have become slaves of technology n gadgets... i cant think of day in life without internet/laptop n mobile...its a trap.... :(