Monday, August 11, 2008

ये भारत देश है मेरा

कल हम सब बैठ कर गप्पे लगा रहे थे तब मेरी डॉक्टर दोस्त ने अपने कुछ अनुभव सबके साथ बांटे. उनका कहना था की गांव से आई हुई महिला patients कभी कभी बहुत दुखी करती हें. I am quoting some conversations.
Doctor: आप का छोटा बच्चा कब पैदा हुआ था?
Patient: ये रहा मुन्ना और वोह रहा टुन्ना.
Doctor: वोह तो ठीक हैं पर टुन्ना कब पैदा हुआ था?
Patient: टुन्ना पैदा हुआ था जब मेरे छोटे भाई कि शादी हुई थी.
As if the brother's marriage is such an event which Doctor should remember like when Abhinav Bindra won the Gold or when India got indepndence.
Doctor: तुमको क्या हुआ हैं?
Patient: अब वोह तो आप को पता होना चाहिए न ? डॉक्टर आप हैं या मैं?
These all chit chats we were enjoying when she told that when ever a lady patients is asked about the number of kids she has, the answer given counts for only male child the lady has. If the patient has three female child and three male child then she will tell that she has three kids. Number of female children are not accounted for.
I was dumb struck after listening to this. यदि किसी को तीन लड़कियां हैं व कोई लड़का नहीं तो मरीज क्या कहेगा? " मेरा कोई बच्चा नहीं", my Doctor firend said. I was aghast.
One end we talk about Sanya, Soniya and feel proud to be Indian and on the otehr end I am listening to tis conversation which tells me that parts of rural India does not count for female child. The female child is non - existance.
Continuing with the discusion another friend told that in many house hold ' भाटो पैदो हुओ'. ( Stone/पत्थर is born) is told when ever girl child is born.
मेरा मन सोचने के लिए मजबूर हो गया. आजादी के इतने साल बाद भी यदि हमारी ग्रामीण जनता ऐसा सोचती है तो देश का विकास कैसे होगा? ' पढ़ी लिखी लड़की रौशनी है घर कि' केवल नारा बन कर रह गया है.
लक्ष्मी कि पूजा करने वाले हाथ उसी तत्परता से अजन्मे या नए जन्मी बालिका कि हत्या करने से नहीं हिचकिचाते. क्या यही हमारी नियति है?


prats said...

very's a bitter irony..we may be advancing in many spheres, but this is one issue which needs awareness..this discrimination is evident and need some serious action.. everyone need to contribute

Antariksh Bothale said...

True, it is of course a pity. The slogans don't reach the villages. Also, I don't think only the parents are to blame. The entire social situation is the culprit. From the point of view of the villagers: a girl will have to be wed (moral responsibility and financial burden) and will go away. A boy will earn money and bring in another pair of hands to share household work.

Jil Jil Ramamani said...

The stark irony of it all truly came out in that last sentence of your post...the same people who worship Goddess Lakshmi turn hypocrite when it comes to the girl child.

Ghastly indeed that a girl child is not counted as a child. What kind of a societal mentality is it that makes a mother refuse to acknowledge the existence of her own child??

Nidhi said...

Right .....